EnergyWise: Integrated modelling of efficient and acceptable expansion of renewable energy in times of nature and climate crises

The energy transition will require a massive expansion of renewable energy production in Norway. At the same time, the nature crisis needs to be considered on par with the climate crisis. Further, attempts at energy expansion have stalled due to conflict and distributional impacts, demonstrating that economic efficiency cannot be separated from acceptability and equity of policies and outcomes. Hence, a more holistic approach is required to achieve a better balance between climate, nature and wider societal interests.

Timeframe is 2023 – 2027

Budget is 13 MNOK (10.8 MNOK from the Research Counsil of Norway (RCN))

Financing through RCN and user partners

Kristina Haaskjold
Research Scientist

Purpose and goal

EnergyWise will offer a neutral platform for stakeholders from different sectors to explore how an integrated techno-economic model, such as TIMES, can incorporate multiple perspectives and interests to search for a knowledge-based common ground. This will be increasingly important as the biodiversity and climate crises intensify and hard decisions will need to be made. Contributing to reaching such a common ground for furthering a wiser energy transition would the desired overall impact of the project.


Combining socio-economic, natural science and energy system models.

Significanse and potential

EnergyWise will offer a neutral platform for stakeholders from different sectors to explore how an integrated techno-economic model, such as TIMES, can incorporate multiple perspectives and interests to analyse trade-offs and distributional effects of expansion scenarios and recommend efficient and acceptable policies that can achieve a better balance between interests. . This will be increasingly important as the biodiversity and climate crises intensify and hard decisions will need to be made. Contributing to reaching such a common ground for furthering a wiser energy transition would the desired overall impact of the project.

Partners and external resources

Researchers from Statistics Norway, Institute for Energy Technology, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, and Menon will implement the project in cooperation with collaborators from government, e.g. Environment Agency, the Energy Regulator, Statkraft, private and NGO sectors, and a scientific advisory board.