Home Research Projects Projects All (103) Robotics (3) SMR (2) AR & XR (2) AI & Machine learning (2) Renewable Energy (103) Climate and Environment (14) Digitalization (120) Industry and environment (71) Material Technology (66) Oil and gas (48) Nuclear Technology (77) All (103) Robotics (3)SMR (2)AR & XR (2)AI & Machine learning (2)Renewable Energy (103)Climate and Environment (14)Digitalization (120)Industry and environment (71)Material Technology (66)Oil and gas (48)Nuclear Technology (77) Digitalization, Nuclear Technology OECD NEA Halden HTO Project The OECD NEA Halden HTO Project is an international collaboration project on… Nuclear Technology PICKFOOD Enormous food waste worldwide has huge environmental and cost efficiency impact. Chemical… Digitalization, Nuclear Technology Kola NPP- Modernization of data collection and visualization systems for radiation, meteorological and ecological control The project has an economic frame of 2.965 MNOK for the period 2018-2020. In addition, and… Digitalization, Nuclear Technology Chernobyl Decommissioning Visualisation Center – ChNPP Planner Extension & Optimization [caption id="attachment_939" align="alignright" width="578"] Overview of the ChNPP… Material Technology, Nuclear Technology NcNeutron Norwegian Center for Neutron Research Industry and environment, Nuclear Technology, Oil and gas Collaborative Decision Making using Diagnostic and Prognostic Reasoning Collaborative Decision Making is an activity under the Halden Reactor Project focusing on… Digitalization, Nuclear Technology Chernobyl NPP decommissioning assistance project Background An explosion hit reactor No. 4 at the ChNPP in Ukraine in April 1986. The… Digitalization, Nuclear Technology The Halden Reactor Project The Halden Project is a joint undertaking of national organizations in 19 countries… Digitalization, Nuclear Technology Establishment of Ukrainian Qualification Body and test bed for qualification of personnel performing Ultrasonic (UT) and Eddy Current (ET) Testing of VVER Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) The project is part of IFE’s portfolio of projects under the Norwegian Government’s… Digitalization, Nuclear Technology RoboDecom The Norwegian Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) has been central to the worlds… Nuclear Technology SHARE StakeHolder-based Analysis of REsearch for Decommissioning. Digitalization, Industry and environment, Nuclear Technology, Oil and gas Innovation projects within the field of decommissioning IFE is one of the leaders in technology development and research in the energy,… 1 2