Home Research Projects Projects All (101) Robotics (2) SMR (1) AR & XR (1) AI & Machine learning (1) Renewable Energy (101) Climate and Environment (9) Digitalization (134) Industry and environment (68) Material Technology (64) Oil and gas (48) Nuclear Technology (73) All (101) Robotics (2)SMR (1)AR & XR (1)AI & Machine learning (1)Renewable Energy (101)Climate and Environment (9)Digitalization (134)Industry and environment (68)Material Technology (64)Oil and gas (48)Nuclear Technology (73) Material Technology, Renewable Energy FLI-AVAI Chromium (II) and copper (II) fluoroperovskites - Jahn-Teller active materials Digitalization, Industry and environment, Material Technology, Renewable Energy REHSYS Renewable Energy Hydrogen Systems based on PV, Wind, and Water Electrolysis Material Technology, Renewable Energy HyLICAL Development and validation of a new magnetocaloric high-performance hydrogen liquefier… Material Technology, Renewable Energy FME HYDROGENi Norwegian research and innovation centre for hydrogen and ammonia Climate and Environment, Digitalization, Industry and environment, Material Technology, Renewable Energy INDY Energy Independent and Efficient Deployable Military Camps Material Technology, Nuclear Technology NcNeutron Norwegian Center for Neutron Research Material Technology AMPHIBIAN Anisometric permanent hybrid magnets based on inexpensive and non-critical materials Material Technology CellColor CellColor - Fabricating cellulose nanocomposites for structural coloration Material Technology Heat Storage Sponsor: NORDFORSK Start: January 2017 Duration: 4 years Project manager: DTU… Material Technology, Oil and gas Petromaks NANOFLUIDS Sponsor: NFR Start: March 2018 Duration: 3 years The project includes laboratory model… Material Technology, Renewable Energy SEAMLESS SEAMLESS, which stands for “Screening of Emerging Anode Materials for Li‐based Energy… Material Technology, Renewable Energy CoFBAT The CoFBAT project aims towards the development of new solutions for stationary energy… 1 2 3