Analyzes of radioactivity in different types of sample material – IFE
The Department of Environmental Safety and Radiation Protection (MIST) offers analyzes of natural and man-made radionuclides in a number of types of sample materials in connection with emission control, environmental monitoring, research projects and on behalf of external customers.

The laboratory can carry out analyzes of the radionuclides listed in the table below:
Analysis that the laboratopry can perform | |
Gamma | 40K, 60Co, 134,137Cs, 210Pb*, 226,228Ra**, 241Am*** |
Alpha spectrometry | 210Po, 226,228Ra**, 228,230,232Th, 234,235,238U, 238,239,240Pu og 241Am*** |
Beta analysis | 3H, 55Fe, 63Ni, 90Sr og 210Pb* |
*) 210Pb can be analyzed both by beta counting and gamma spectrometry. Beta counting gives a lower detection limit but has a longer analysis time.
**) 226Ra and 228Ra can be analyzed both by gamma spectrometry and alpha spectrometry. Alpha spectrometry provides a lower detection limit of the two methods but has a longer analysis time. It takes longer to report the results from 228Ra because alpha analysis of 228Ra requires at least 6 months of ingrowth of the daughter nuclide 228Th.
***) 241Am can be analyzed both by gamma spectrometry and alpha spectrometry. Alpha spectrometry gives the lower detection limit of the two spectrometry methods.
For questions and information about analyzes and analysis prices, the department can be contacted at