Tag: Mathematical modelling All (13) Prosjekter (7) Laboratorium (2) Research fields (2) Tjenester (1) All (13) string(7) "project" string(0) "" Prosjekter (7)string(10) "laboratory" string(0) "" Laboratorium (2)string(5) "field" string(0) "" Research fields (2)string(7) "service" string(0) "" Tjenester (1) Digitalization, Nuclear Technology PLEIADES PLatform based on Emerging and Interoperable Applications for enhanced Decommissioning… Nuclear Technology SHARE StakeHolder-based Analysis of REsearch for Decommissioning. Nuclear Technology DigiDECOM Next event: DigiDECOM's NuclearNext 2025 Contact digidecom@ife.no DigiDECOM… Digitalization, Nuclear Technology RoboDecom The Norwegian Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) has been central to the worlds… Digitalization LiveDecom Digitalization of industrial processes to achieve high levels of security and efficiency,… Digitalization, Oil and gas Well Flow Loop The test facility contributes with high quality experimental data used: To improve and… Digitalization, Industry and environment, Nuclear Technology, Oil and gas Halden Virtual Reality Centre Purpose HVRC provides facilities for identifying and testing novel applications of… Oil and gas Real-time Reservoir Monitoring Integrated with Stress Field Modelling to Allow for Early Detection of Deformations and Leakages To reduce the environmental impact of the Norwegian petroleum operations, produced waters… Oil and gas Shallow compaction and fluid flow pattern in reservoirs and caprocks underneath Barents Sea The Barents Sea has vast undiscovered oil and gas resources concealed in the sedimentary… Flow Technology Computational Materials Processing Digitalization, Industry and environment, Nuclear Technology VRdose HVRC VRdose® is a real-time software tool for modelling and characterising nuclear… 1 2