Home Research Projects Projects All (104) Nuclear facilities (1) Robotics (3) SMR (2) AR & XR (2) AI & Machine learning (2) Renewable Energy (103) Climate and Environment (16) Digitalization (122) Industry and environment (71) Material Technology (66) Oil and gas (49) Nuclear Technology (80) All (104) Nuclear facilities (1)Robotics (3)SMR (2)AR & XR (2)AI & Machine learning (2)Renewable Energy (103)Climate and Environment (16)Digitalization (122)Industry and environment (71)Material Technology (66)Oil and gas (49)Nuclear Technology (80) Material Technology, Renewable Energy HESSENSE – Light Weight High Entropy Alloys for Safe and Sustainable Energy Storage Timeframe is 2024 - 2027 Budget is 919 256 € Financing through The Research… Renewable Energy SuRE FPV SUstatinable, Reliable, Efficient Floating PhotoVoltaics Material Technology, Renewable Energy FLI-AVAI Chromium (II) and copper (II) fluoroperovskites - Jahn-Teller active materials Renewable Energy FLUFFY Fluoride-based Na-ion battery cathodes for stationary energy storage Digitalization, Nuclear Technology OECD NEA Halden HTO Project The OECD NEA Halden HTO Project is an international collaboration project on… Climate and Environment, Renewable Energy EnergyWise Integrated modelling of efficient and acceptable expansion of renewable energy in times of… Digitalization, Industry and environment, Material Technology, Renewable Energy REHSYS Renewable Energy Hydrogen Systems based on PV, Wind, and Water Electrolysis Climate and Environment, Renewable Energy Rail4EARTH Europe’s Rail Sustainable and Green Rail System Rail4EARTH Industry and environment, Oil and gas WellFate WellFate - Understanding Fluid Migration Processes at Offshore Renewable Energy Envisol Considering the Environment and Nature when Building and Operating Ground Mounted Solar… Renewable Energy LIQUID-H Hydrogen Liquefaction with Caloric Materials Material Technology, Renewable Energy HyLICAL Development and validation of a new magnetocaloric high-performance hydrogen liquefier… 1 2 3 … 8 9