Home Speeding up the green transition Fagområder Nyheter Events All (138) Fornybar energi (1) Olje og gass (1) Digitalization (34) Material Technology (16) Industry and environment (17) Oil and gas (5) Nuclear Technology (40) Renewable Energy (27) Klima og miljø (1) All (138) Fornybar energi (1)Olje og gass (1)Digitalization (34)Material Technology (16)Industry and environment (17)Oil and gas (5)Nuclear Technology (40)Renewable Energy (27)Klima og miljø (1) 3. September 2021 New Norwegian solar cell research saves millions and encourages the establishment of new facilities. IFE has, in collaboration with Solar energy company Scatec and collaborative partners… 3. September 2021 New Norwegian solar cell research saves millions and encourages the establishment of new facilities. The goal has been to develop a system that can both increase production and reduce… 21. July 2021 Big steps forward for solar park O&M In the project, IFE has contributed to the development of a number of new methods for… 14. June 2021 Industry Science Meetup on Batteries and Energy Storage The session will give you an insight into: Lifetime and safety of batteries in marine… Event 4. June 2021 Bilateral initiative on cooperative and autonomous vehicles The COOPERATIVE initiative, Identifying human factors challenges in connected,… 03. June 2021 The 2nd International Workshop on Engineering and Cybersecurity of Critical Systems (EnCyCriS 2021) This is the second installment of the International Workshop on Engineering and… Event 27. May 2021 IFE enters into agreement with Springfields Fuels Limited – reduces the amount of nuclear waste in Norway Press release from Institute for Energy Technology (IFE). Kjeller, May 27, 2021 Institute… 05. May 2021 Online School: COOL LONGBOAT May 2021 The first online school within the COOL Longboat project aka complex of online lectures… Event 03. May 2021 INVITATION TO ENLARGED HALDEN PROGRAMME REVIEW GROUP VIRTUAL MEETING 2021 PROGRAM AND SCOPE The meeting will consist of two panels including leading experts in the… Event 22. April 2021 Mozees Innovation Forum Dear MoZEES Battery Partners and Friends! The main objective with the meeting is to… Event 15. April 2021 Great opportunity for young researchers! Interdisciplinary school on materials for hydrogen generation will kick off on May 5th. Due to the COVID situation, all sessions will be held online, which ensures a great… 23. March 2021 DigiDecom 2021 Partners of the organizing committee: Sponsor of DigiDecom 2021: The webinar brought… Event 1 2 … 4 5 6 7 8 … 11 12