We develop innovative, research-based solutions for critical operations in digital and hybrid control rooms. Whether you are looking to collaborate on future-oriented research projects or enhance existing control rooms, we provide expertise in control room design and user interfaces.
- Optimize operator performance in control environments
- Tailored to human needs and operational challenges
- Positive impact on operators’ performance, safety, workload, well-being, and health
Our departmentcomprises experienced researchers and engineers with core competencies within:
- Interaction design (information graphics and interaction)
- Control room design
- Human-automation interaction
- Validation and verification of user interfaces and control room layouts
- Development of user interfaces and related software solutions
- Nuclear process control and scenario development for laboratory studies
Applied Research and Services to the Industry
Control Room Systems Design (User interface)
Develop and evaluate prototypes for control room systems, including human-system interfaces (HSI), automation visualisation, alarm systems, and computerized procedures.
We protype and design innovative, user-friendly information graphics and interaction solutions. We specialise in designing for safety-critical, digital control environments. Our designs are based on extensive knowledge of perceptual psychology and human capabilities and limitations. Our competence and project experience include design of operator displays for normal and emergency operation, overview displays supporting situation awareness, cooperation and rapid deviation detection, design solutions for handheld devices, computerized procedures, and alarm systems. We offer:
- Iterative design process and reviews based on best practices, guidelines, and standards
- Creation of mock-ups or low-fidelity prototypes, ensuring low-cost iterations and early testing.
- Evaluation and verification of display designs (user interface).
- Implementation of functional prototypes for early testing in your simulator environment.
Control Room Design
Designing and evaluating conceptual and detailed control room designs, based on operational needs and accordance with standards such as ISO 11064.
We protype and design operating environments to support high performance operation. Our designs are adapted to the operational needs for communication and collaboration between roles, sight lines, ergonomics, and the need to share equipment.
Our expertise includes state-of the art digital control rooms, highly automated innovative operation environments, hybride control rooms, remote operation and multi-unit operation across various domains.
We also use HVRC CREATE, a 3D tool, to visualise control room layouts and perform early validations and verifications against human factors review guidelines. This work is carried out in collaboration with experts from IFEs Virtual and Augumented Reality Department.
Verification and validation against human factors review guidelines
Prototype and design of operating environments, adapted to the operational needs
Human Factors Studies
We conduct situational analyses to evaluate the current state and identify opportunities for improvement in control rooms, workstations, systems, and working methods. These analyses assesses the control room against relevant standards and human factors guidelines, identifying enhancements that can positively impact workload, performance, safety, well-being, and health.
For the situational analysis, we often use the CRIOP method (Crisis Intervention and Operability Analysis), which covers the following topics:
- Control Room
- External framework of the control room: Location relative to support functions, access and access control
- Control room layout: Placement of equipment and workstations within the room, passageways
- Workstations
- Equipment requirements and placement of equipment at the workstations, ergonomics, sight lines, and communication lines
- Operational and safety systems: User interface (HSI), reliability
- Operator station screens
- Large screen display / overview display
- Alarm system
- Organisation of work
- Distribution of tasks and responsibilities, and the perception of workload
- Competence and training
- Working environment
- Lighting, reflections/glare, thermal conditions, air quality, and noise
Nuclear Power Plant Simulator Studies and Scenario Development
We prepare, conduct, and analyse human performance studies in HAMMLAB (small-scale or comprehensive), from scenario design and simulator control to detailed result interpretation. See also a description of our cutting-edge SMR simulator and related expert services.
Our nuclear process experts play a crusial role in preparing, conducting and analysing advanced human performance studies in HAMMLAB.
During the preparation phase, we collaborate with the project team to define and design appropriate test scenarios and criteria for evaluating human performance.
During data collection, we control the simulator, and make real-time evaluations of relevant operator performance dimensions, such as task performance, situation awareness, workload, and teamwork quality.
In the analyses phase, we leverage our process knowledge to assist in detailing and interpreting the results. This work is carried out in collaboration with experts from IFEs Human-Centred Digitalization Department.
- HAMMLAB: A laboratory for usability testing and research related to operator crew performance and behaviour in an advanced control environment. This facility includes three full-scope nuclear power plant simulators:
– Gen III Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR)
– Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)
– Small Modular Reactor (SMR), integrated Pressurized Water Reactor (iPWR). We can simulate multi-unit operation with up to 12 SMR units. - HAMMSAT: A laboratory for studying individual operators’ problem solving in a single-unit SMR setting.
- IFE FutureLab: A flexible lab for exploring future operational concepts in complex domains, feasibility testing, and prototyping.

Picture 2: Photo: HAMMSAT. Credit: Gyrd Skraaning, IFE
Picture 3: IFE FutureLab. Credit: Stein Johnsen, Contentvideo
We address challenges systematically, using a user-centred approach based on ISO-11064, through:
- Design practice and technology insights,
- Experimental studies, and
- Small- and large-scale design exploration.
Our focus is on applied research, and we also undertake assignments for industry. Our expertise and deliverables are relevant across several domains, such as the Nuclear industry, Oil & Gas, Air Traffic Control, Rail, Maritime operations, Renewable Energy and Mining.
- ProcSee: A software for developing and displaying dynamic graphical user interfaces for process monitoring and control.
- STEAMS: An advanced tool supporting instructors in providing efficient simulator training, allowing in-depth analysis of operator and crew performance. STEAMS integrates audio, video, screen content, data logs, instructor-initiated malfunctions, operator actions and plant responses into a combined, synchronized stream for post-scenario debrief and crew performance analysis. The tool is also used for performance evaluations in research contexts.
- SCORE: A software supporting instructors and evaluators in preparing schemas and in using these to evaluate operator and crew performance. SCORE can also be used by operators for post-training self-assessments.
Our publications are available through cristin.no, which will be replaced by nva.sikt.no after the spring of 2025. Examples of relevant open publications and keywords
Keywords: HMI, HSI, Human System Interface, Human Machine Interface, interaction design, overview display, control room design, human-automation interaction, automation failure, human factors.
The Failure to Grasp Automation Failure
Skraaning jr., Gyrd; Jamieson, Greg A.. 2024, Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making
Lessons Learned From Case Study On Procedural Turbine Automatics In the Nuclear Industry
Hurlen, Lars; Fernandes, Alexandra; Bloch, Marten. 2024.
Designing Future Control Environments: A Feasibility Study Approach Developed at IFE FutureLab
Hurlen, Lars; Skraaning jr. Gyrd. 2023, Research Publishing Services
Meeting New Electrification needs: How a Norwegian Grid Operator Is Seeking To Improve Coordination by Building a Public Capacity Simulation Service
Hurlen, Lars; Drøivoldsmo, Asgeir. 2023, Research Publishing Services
H2 Safety in Human Operations – and Safety guideline
Lunde-Hanssen, Linda Sofie; Ulleberg, Øystein. 2023, Institutt for energiteknikk
The B737 MAX 8 Accidents as Operational Experiences with Automation Transparency
Jamieson, Greg A.; Skraaning jr. Gyrd; Joe Jeffrey. 2022, IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems.
Concepts For Operating Multiple Petroleum Facilities From a Single Control Centre
Hurlen, Lars; Eitrheim, Maren Helene Rø; Rindahl, Grete; Hepsø, Vidar. 2022, Research Publishing Services
Improving Sensemaking in Dynamic Positioning Operations: HMI and Training Measures
Hurlen, Lars; Bye, Andreas. 2021, Tailor & Francis.
Best Practices in Digital Human System Interfaces at Nordic Nuclear Powerplants
Hurlen, Lars; Fernandes, Alexandra; Reegård, Kine; Svengren, Håkan. 2021, Research Publishing Services
Identification of information requirements in ROC operations room
Lunde-Hanssen, Linda Sofie. 2020, Institutt for energiteknikk
Traffic Control Center Design Concept for the Norwegian Railway
Hurlen, Lars; Rosenqvist, Mikael; Louka, Michael N.; Rindahl, Grete; Drøivoldsmo, Asgeir; Ulsten, Harald. 2019, Research Publishing Services.