Home Game changer for zero emission transport – HyLICAL Fagområder Nyheter Events All (94) Digitalization (20) Material Technology (13) Industry and environment (14) Oil and gas (4) Nuclear Technology (24) Renewable Energy (22) All (94) Digitalization (20)Material Technology (13)Industry and environment (14)Oil and gas (4)Nuclear Technology (24)Renewable Energy (22) 6. June 2019 Successful demonstration of neutron scattering as a characterization method for battery materials – silicon nanoparticles. The collaboration between the Departments of Battery Technology and Neutron Materials… 28. May 2019 10 years of joint Norwegian solar research The first FME* centre fully devoted to solar cell technology was "FME Solar United", which… 9. May 2019 BATMAN – an aspiring new industry BATMAN (Lithium ion BATteries - Norwegian opportunities within sustainable end-of-life… 8. May 2019 MoZEES 2019 – a successful annual meeting On the first day there were 14 presentations made on a wide range of topics, from policy… 22. March 2019 EASAC report on Decarbonisation of Transport The EASAC report is now freely available for downloading from the EASAC… 21. March 2019 Hydrogen in the maritime sector The idea of using hydrogen and fuel cells in the maritime sector goes back many… 11. March 2019 Equinor Hywind Tampen – Human Factors Equinor will, through the Hywind Tampen project, replace electrical energy generated by… 21. December 2018 New license for the JEEP II reactor at Kjeller The Norwegian Parliament resolved on Thursday, December 20, 2018, to grant a new licence… 23. November 2018 From wood chips and silicon to high power [caption id="attachment_929" align="alignnone" width="2016"] IFE and Beyonder will develop… 7. September 2018 Soon you will be able to safely charge your mobile phone during the night ‘LiBs are almost omnipresent. We use them in cars and mobile phones and in every… 1 2