The Department of Environmental Safety and Radiation Protection (MIST) is organized under the research area of Environmental Technology and has radiochemistry laboratories that are modern and well-equipped where the department can perform analyses of natural and man-made radionuclides in a variety of environmental samples. The laboratory is one of Norway’s largest in this field. IFE has offered radionuclide analysis services since the institute was established in 1948. We are a young team (with a research background) that is developing rapidly.
Naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) is found in the environment and is radioactive elements of natural origin that have been present since the formation of the Earth. NORM primarily contains uranium and thorium with decay products and potassium. There is variation in concentrations from place to place and from country to country. This depends on geological history.
Industrial processes will move, change the mutual composition, concentrate and mobilize the radioactive substances. Because the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (DSA) has such low limits for what is allowed for emissions, it is in many cases necessary for industry, healthcare, research institutions and authorities to map waste, emissions and products.
In addition, the department provides radiation protection courses
Services provided by our department
IFE`s role in the marine surveillance program
IFE was involved in monitoring radioactive substances in seawater, sediment and living organisms until 2023 on behalf of the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (DSA) and the Institute of Marine Research. In general there is scarce anthropogenic radioactivity in the ocean. More information can be found on the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority’s website about radioactivity in the sea and the marine monitoring programme (RAME).
Publications from our department
Leskinen, A., Salminen-Paatero, S., Leporanta, J. et al. Sampling, characterization, method validation, and lessons learned in analysis of highly activated stainless steel from reactor decommissioning. J Radioanal Nucl Chem 333, 145–163 (2024).
Skjerdal H, Heldal HE, Rand A, Gwynn J, Jensen LK, Volynkin A, Haanes H, Møller B, Liebig PL, Gäfvert T. Radioactivity in the Marine Environment 2015, 2016 and 2017. Results from the Norwegian Marine Monitoring Programme RAME. DSA-rapport 2020:04. Østerås, Direktoratet for strålevern og atomsikkerhet, 2020.
Skjerdal H, Heldal HE, Gwynn J, Strålberg E, Møller B, Liebig PL, Sværen I, Rand A, Gäfvert T, Haanes H. NRPA. Radioactivity in the marine environment 2012, 2013 and 2014. Results from the Norwegian National Monitoring Programme (RAME). StrålevernRapport 2017:13. Østerås: Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, 2017
Our departments role in IFE’s environmental monitoring programme
Environmental monitoring KLDRA (information in Norwegian)