The first one-day-workshop for our ongoing “User-centered Security Framework for Social Robots in Public Space (SecuRoPS)” project has proved to be very fruitful. The workshop was held on Thursday the 18th of Nov. in Barcelona, Spain. IFE is leading the project. All project partners (IFE, HIOF, SNØ AS, and IRI), except one, have participated in the workshop.
The workshop started with a visit to PAL robotics, and, this provides us the opportunity to discuss with PAL robotics team as well as it gives us the chance to get a closer look at ARI, the social robot which is the center of our SecuRoPS project. We want to thank PAL robotic team for their warm welcome and fruitful discussion – looking forward for further collaboration!
The workshop then continued and concluded at IRI – Institut de Robotica i Informatica Industrial, CSIC-UPC. There was great involvement in discussions about the status of the project as well as the planned activities for 2022. The workshop also gives us the chance to get in face-to-face discussion with our project partners for the very first time, which was not possible until now due to COVID-19 related restrictions and lockdown.
SecuRoPS is funded by the Research Council of Norway
and has a budget of about 12 MNOK spread over three and half years.
You can get more details about SecuRoPS on
If you are involving in project dealing with social robot in public space, OR you want to collaborate with us, feel free to get in touch with me.
The workshop participants at PAL Robotic
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