Kola NPP- Modernization of data collection and visualization systems for radiation, meteorological and ecological control
The project has an economic frame of 2.965 MNOK for the period 2018-2020. In addition, and as part of the Nordic cooperation program, the Finnish authority STUK will participate and co-finance the equipment supply with 100kEUR. The project focus on the radiation situation during normal operation and emergency situations and will implement the following improvements:
- Enhancement and extension of the existing user interface using IFE’s ProcSee User Interface Management System for visualization of the radiation situation locally at the power plant and its surroundings.
- Upgrade of the SODAR weather radar system, which is an important data source for prediction of the radiation situation at the Kola Peninsula.
- Upgrade of a mobile laboratory with respect to alpha / beta radiometer for control measurements and monitoring of radiation in air.