Radiopharmaceutical Wholesaler

IFE Radiopharmaceutical Wholesaler is the national wholesaler and retailer for radiopharmaceuticals. For decades, we have developed unique expertise in the import, export, control and distribution of radioactive drugs.

IFE acts as a central “isotope pharmacy” for Norway, and controls and distributes all radiopharmaceuticals directly to the nuclear medicine departments in Norwegian hospitals, a practice dating back to 1952. Our expertise in the distribution of dangerous goods and radiopharmaceuticals is also applied in the undertaking of clinical trials for our partners. IFE Radiopharmaceutical Wholesaler has for many years distributed radiopharmaceuticals to individual patients in large parts of the world. Importing and distributing short-lived products that are not yet produced at Norwegian PET centers is also an important task.

The wholesale business supplies Norwegian hospitals with the entire spectrum of radioactive drugs, thus providing access to advanced diagnostic examinations and modern cancer therapy. Our most important task is to ensure that all patients who need radiopharmaceuticals receive this at the right time, in the right dose and with the best quality and safety.

We seek to be at the forefront by making providing new, groundbreaking radiopharmaceuticals. We have agreements with all the leading suppliers of radiopharmaceuticals in Europe. In close cooperation with our carriers “we make the impossible possible” by bringing, for example, very short-lived PET radiopharmaceuticals from European production sites to patients at Norwegian hospitals in a few hours.

IFE Radiopharmaceutical Wholesaler also contributes actively to bringing new radiopharmaceuticals to the market through the distribution of doses for clinical trials. We do this in close cooperation with Norwegian and international companies. Clinical studies form the basis for the approval of all new drugs, and IFE Radiopharmaceutical Wholesaler has, commissioned from our customers, established a worldwide distribution network for both radioactive, short-lived and temperature-sensitive drugs. We offer expertise in designing distribution strategies, patient-specific labeling, validated distribution routes and customized solutions for the distribution of such demanding products.

Radiopharmaceuticals is an area of ​​strong international growth. Our unique and complex expertise in the field is in demand and of course available for established as well as new partners and projects. IFE Radiopharmaceutical Wholesaler also carries out tasks such as providing statistics on the consumption of radioactive substances for the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, teaching at college and university level, and providing advice to hospitals about the use, preparation and handling of radiopharmaceuticals and the design of production premises and production boxes.

IFE Radiopharmaceutical Wholesaler participates in several international forums aiming to strengthen quality assurance and regulations within nuclear medicine. We work continuously to keep up-to-date and improve our expertise in radiopharmaceuticals, its distribution and use. IFE Radiopharmaceutical Wholesaler is authorized by the Norwegian pharmaceutical authorities and the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority to operate wholesale and retail operations with radiopharmaceuticals.