Home Research Services Services All (42) Digitalization (12) Material Technology (9) Industry and environment (21) Oil and gas (17) Nuclear Technology (7) Renewable Energy (6) Climate and Environment (2) All (42) Digitalization (12)Material Technology (9)Industry and environment (21)Oil and gas (17)Nuclear Technology (7)Renewable Energy (6)Climate and Environment (2) Material Technology, Renewable Energy Battery Testing The Department of Battery Technology offers testing of batteries, from small-scale coin… Digitalization, Nuclear Technology Core Data Viewer 3D visualisation of reactor core data, such as power density distribution, is a powerful… Digitalization, Industry and environment, Nuclear Technology VRdose HVRC VRdose® is a real-time software tool for modelling and characterising nuclear… Digitalization, Industry and environment, Nuclear Technology, Oil and gas HVRC CREATE HVRC CREATE is a suite of tools for designing and testing room layouts with version… Industry and environment, Oil and gas Chemical and analytical services Institute for Energy Technology IFE provides a comprehensive range of high-quality,… Material Technology, Renewable Energy Battery Materials Testing The Department of Battery Technology at IFE can offer a large range of services related to… 1 2 3 4