
The undergoing implementation of the  European Rail Traffic Management System will cause major changes to the Norwegian train operations. One of these changes is that the old system used for blocking a work area by short circuit of track fields no longer can be used. Consequently, a new solution for securing a work area has been introduced, and a safety assessment framework must be implemented to ensure that the new solution is safe.

The project SafeT (Safety Assessment Framework for Efficient Transport) will contribute to this by developing a framework for modelling of system design and risk. It is based on risk models that follow a system’s life cycle phases. From concept, via the customer’s risk assessment and the supplier’s hazard control, to the necessary safety cases and further on throughout the system’s lifetime. The project aims at establishing a novel, systematic modelling and reusable assessment framework that facilitates safety assessment and demonstration through the creation of a system wide conceptual design model and a common risk model. The project is funded by the NRC and is owned and managed by Bane NOR with IFE, Safetec, NTNU, VTT and Souvina as partners.