The overall aim of the PLEIADES project is to provide a new digitally enhanced methodology for improving current D&D operations, defining good practices for digitalisation and facilitating higher standardisation required for international application.

The specific approach is to demonstrate an innovative digitally enhanced approach for selected key tasks related to D&D in real life examples from decommissioning projects in Europe. The envisaged project tasks shall prove the scenario feasibility analyses and comparison, as well as estimations for waste, radiation exposure and cost/duration related to jobs and the project as a whole. The core technical concept to be applied within the project is a common interface and ontology, integrating cutting-edge digital support tools into a BIM technology-based platform. In this project, the BIM-based integrated prototype will be adapted to practical needs of the D&D process from real-life projects and applied through systematic demonstration exercises aiming at demonstrating applicability as well as quantifying efficiency and finding shortcomings to be solved in further research and development.

On a longer time-scale it is envisaged that PLEIADES will enable higher coordination between the partners of this project and other European organisations for collaborating beyond the scope of this project in enabling the emergence of flexible digital support systems that, through high interoperability of existing and emerging technologies, provide comprehensive professional support for D&D operations. The project aims at making innovative digital tools attractive for the new generation of “decommissioners” and promoting their adaption by the industry. To summarise, the PLEIADES project is guided by three high level objectives that were agreed by the project partners, consulted stakeholders and that are in line with the objectives of the Euratom call. The project objectives are structured in high-level objectives (HLO) and specific objectives (SC) as follow with indication of the key performance indicators (KPIs).

IFE will be leader of the first work package (Requirement analysis, specification and test design) of this project.

This project is highly synergetic with the LiveDecom Norwegian industrial innovation project managed by IFE.

State of the art of existing software used in the D&D process


Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (project lead) CEA France
Electricité de France EDF France
Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos ENRESA Spain
Institute for Energy Technology IFE Norway
Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire IRSN France
iUS Institut für Umwelttechnologien und Strahlenschutz GmbH iUS Germany
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie KIT Germany
LGI Consulting LGI France
Light and Shadows LS France
OREKA Solutions OREKA France
Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT Finland
TBC Norway
Tractebel Engineering S.A. TRACTEBEL Belgium
WAI s.r.o WAI Slovakia