Sponsor: NFR

Start: March 2018
Duration: 3 years

The project includes laboratory model IOR experiments combined with numerical modelling. Among the stabilizing particles to be studied, attention will be given to silica nanoparticles and mineral clay nanoparticles among other functionalized nano-particles. Both commercially available particles that can be purchased and particles that will be synthesized by project partners (mainly at USP in Brazil) will be investigated.

One secondary objective is competence building, which includes training of PhD students and young researchers in nanofluids design for IOR and tracer technology.

Another secondary objective is to implement into IOR and tracer technology, new understanding regarding nanofluids behavior in flow confined in reservoir situations.

Project leader:

IFE (NØYTRON and SPORSTOFF), IRIS (Stavanger), ESPTI-PARISTECH/IPGG (FR), Universite de Rennes (FR), Pontifica Universidade Catolica de Rio de Janeiro(BR), Universidade de Sao Paulo(BR)