Norwegian Energy Road Map

We will assess economic spillover effects with other sectors, analyse drivers and barriers for climate policies and provide recommendations on how policy measures can be implemented within a societal, economic and political context. The study will provide complementary knowledge to previous work by e.g. Norwegian Environmental Agency.

Based on integration of state-of-the-art tools, long term scenario analysis and studies of multi-level governance the cross-disciplinary research team from SINTEF, IFE and NTNU will provide quantitative and qualitative knowledge about consequences of low carbon futures. Specific measures for reducing emission in Norway will be the basis for quantitative analysis where we apply energy system optimisation (TIMES) and electricity system simulation (EMPS). Selected scenarios will be analysed with the general equilibrium model (REMES) to assess value creation and spillover effects to non-energy sectors. The results from the quantitative and qualitative studies will be elaborated in a “Norwegian Energy Road Map” for 2050, including estimates on GHG emissions, energy and power prices and consumptions, and recommendations for key policy measure implementation.

A reference group consisting of representatives from the energy industries and the authorities will contribute with recommendations related to the scientific approach in the project. The reference group will also be important for dissemination of the project results and recommendations directly to the stakeholders.