Everyone is talking about Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), but what are they exactly? IFE would like to invite you to learn more about Small Modular Reactors through our webinar on SMRs, and why everyone is talking about them in relation to zero-emission energy and the Green Shift.
The webinar on Small Modular Reactors will be held in English due to international interest and participation.
The recorded webinar on SMRs
Please note that the QnA sessions have been removed to comply with GDPR.
If the video below is not showing, you can see the webinar on this link.
Agenda - Webinar on SMRs
13:00 - Introduction
- Welcome & about IFE - Tomas Nordlander, Vice President IFE
- The Halden HTO project - Andreas Bye, IFE
13:25 - What is a small modular reactor?
- Introduction to SMRs - Rob McDonald, IFE
- Potential SMR use cases in Norway - Claire Blackett, IFE
14:15 - Invited speakers
- Nuclear energy risks – Prof. Jan Emblemsvåg, NTNU
- Future EU environmental requirements, and consequences for the Norwegian shipping industry - Simon Johannsson, Norwegian Shipowners Association
- The nuclear situation in Europe: opportunities and barriers - Andrei Goicea, Nucleareurope
- Nuclear power in Norway - Jonny Hesthammer, Norsk Kjernekraft AS
15:45 - Wrap up
- Questions for the speakers and discussion
- Closing remarks