
DigiDecom 2018 – International Workshop on Application of Advanced Plant Information Systems for Nuclear Decommissioning and Life-cycle Management

Publisert: 31. October 2018

Photo: Mick Tully

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Based on feedback we received from the participants of our last large scale event on nuclear decommissioning (www.ife.no/hrpdecom2017), we are arranging this event in 2018 and planning another in 2019 (www.ife.no/digidecom2019).

The workshop will bring together a multidisciplinary group representing the professional community working on implementation and oversight of decommissioning for discussing a roadmap for modernising nuclear decommissioning practices through adoption of advanced plant information management methods. Examples for subjects to be discussed:

  • Integrated management systems for OPEX and early decommissioning planning.
  • Application of advanced plant information methods at legacy sites.
  • Digital techniques for regulatory communication.
  • Advanced techniques for knowledge exchange and training.
  • Digital twins supporting testing of robotics and other technologies/methods.
    • Document management
    • Product/configuration management
    • Requirements management
    • Container loading management
    • Tender and contractor management
    • Risk and uncertainty management
    • Project management



The workshop is held at Scandic Lillehammer Hotel in Lillehammer, Norway.

Information about the venue can be found at the hotel webpage.


Fee: EUR 690

Fee includes Get Together (3rd December) Workshop Dinner beverage- and service (4th December), access to conference scientific sessions and access to conference material.

Accompanying persons are most welcome to join us in Lillehammer.
Accompanying person(s) registration includes tickets for Get Together and Conference Dinner (95 EUR). Accompanying person(s) may not attend the scientific sessions.

Please fill in and submit the registration form to register.



1546 NOK (~ 163 EUR) per day in single room on conference days includes lunch, dinner, coffee breaks, bed and breakfast.
556 NOK (~ 59 EUR) per day includes lunch and coffe breaks.
990 NOK (~ 105 EUR) includes bed in single room and breakfast.

Double rooms are available for an additional fee. Please contact Scandic Lillehammer Hotel for prices.

Please be aware that if you choose to stay at another hotel, you will have to pay daily conference fee to hotel (556 NOK) which includes lunch, meeting room and coffee breaks. Dinners are not included.

Room for Scandic Lillehammer Hotel can be booked by sending an e-mail with your name, contact information, arrival date and departure date to meeting.innlandet@scandichotels.com. Mark the e-mail with BINS281118. Please indicate if you have any dietary requirements.

Accommodation on the workshop site is guaranteed until 26th October only! After 26th October accommodation on the site will depend on availability of rooms in the hotel.


Abstracts should be submitted by 14th September
Authors will be notified by 10th November
Maximum one A4 page (12 pt, 25mm margins) abstracts written in English are expected.
Abstracts can be submitted via email to digidecom@ife.no.

OECD HRP / NKS workshop

A joint workshop within the OECD Halden Reactor Project and the Nordic Nuclear Safety Research Forum is planned for 6-7 December at the same venue, providing the opportunity for interested participants to attend both events. More
information: OECD HRP / NKS Workshop


Contact information

  • Organising committee (digidecom@ife.no): Joachim Bratteli, Jannicke Margrethe Neeb, Réka Szőke, Jan Porsmyr, Katrine Fuglesang
  • International advisors: Gloria Kwong (OECD NEA), Patrick Joseph O’Sullivan (IAEA), Vladimir Michal (IAEA), Ashok Ganesan (IAEA), Oszvald Glöckler (IAEA), Vladan Ljubenov (IAEA), Richard Reid (EPRI), John de Grosbois (indep. consultant)
  • Chairman: István Szőke, Institute for Energy Technology, Norway